



首页 >  2021年第6期封面报道




封面图片为海洋一号 D 卫星海岸带成像仪 2020 年 9 月 23 日获取的环青海湖影像,青海湖是中国最大的内陆高原咸水湖,中国西部重要的水源涵养地和 水汽循环通道,是维系青藏高原生态安全的重要水体,也是阻止西部荒漠化向东蔓延的天然屏障。图像显示湖中水色呈蓝色,水中有涡旋,层次分明,山 脉、岛屿、积雪、沙漠、植被、河流以及共和县内的成片太阳能板轮廓清晰。海洋一号 D 卫星是中国海洋水色系列的第 4 颗卫星,与海洋一号 C 卫星构 成上下午观测星座, 卫星运行管理及数据分发由自然资源部国家卫星海洋应用中心负责。星上配置包括海洋水色水温扫描仪、海岸带成像仪、紫外成像仪、 星上定标光谱仪以及船舶自动识别系统 5 个载荷,每天生成 40 多种标准产品与多种应用产品。海洋水色水温扫描仪含有可见光、近红外、热红外 10 个 通道,空间分辨率 1.1 km,幅宽大于 2900 km,每天可对全球覆盖两次;海岸带成像仪含红、绿、蓝、近红外 4 个波段,空间分辨率优于 50 m,幅宽 大于 950 km,对关注的阳照区域实现每 3 天覆盖一次,在全球大洋水色水温和中国近海海域与海岛业务化监测、海岸带资源环境调查、海洋防灾减灾、 海洋资源可持续利用、海洋与陆地江河湖泊生态预警与环境保护中发挥作用。海洋卫星数据免费共享下载地址:http://osdds.nsoas.org.cn。


HY-1D satellite remote sensing image of Qinghai Lake


The cover image shows the plentiful environment elements around Qinghai Lake which was obtained by Coastal Zone Imager(CZI) onboard HY-1D satellite on September 23, 2020. HY-1D satellite is the fourth one in China's ocean color satellite series,together with HY- 1C satellite launched in 2018, the twin satellites constellation with morning and afternoon ocean color observations have been achieved in 2020,which are in the charge of National Satellite Ocean Application Service of the Ministry of Natural Resources (NSOAS, MNR). There are five payloads: Ocean Color and Sea Surface Temperature Scanner(COCTS), Coastal Zone Imager(CZI), UltraViolet Imager(UVI), Satellitebased Calibration Spectrometer(SCS) and Automatic Identification System (AIS) for ships locations. More than 40 standard products and high level products are produced operationally each day. There are ten channels with COCTS spreading from visible, near infrared to thermal infrared ranges with spatial resolution 1.1 km and swath more than 2900 km. It can cover the globe earth twice a day. The four bands of CZI include: red, green, blue and near infrared bands with spatial resolution better than 50 m and swath more than 950 km, which can observe the concerned zones once every three days. To obtain the free satellite data ,visit http://osdds.nsoas.org.cn.


