
强烈地表或地下震动(如地震余震、爆破开采)会对露天采矿边坡稳定性产生影响,边坡稳定性评价是露天矿山开采安全生产的前提。利用地基InSAR系统可近实时监测露天矿边坡活动特征,为安全生产提供可靠数据。采用地基InSAR连续观测模式,通过简单网络组合方式对相邻时刻影像两两干涉处理,在远离爆破点的坚硬铁矿岩石上选取信噪比和相干性高的像元作为稳定参考点,建立环境因素相位时序校正曲线以消除环境干扰的影响。结果表明,本次观测精度能控制在[-0.3,0.3] mm,除矿石堆积层产生了小幅度的下滑外,爆破未对整个开采面造成显著的破坏性影响。地基InSAR系统能在短时间内高精度、高分辨率观测并识别出变形区,可在人工边坡、灾后滑坡、露天开采边坡、工程区边坡稳定性调查与评价中发挥重要作用。
Strong surface or subsurface vibrations (e.g., aftershocks and blasting) may affect the stability of open-pit mining slopes. Slope stability evaluation is one of the important research topics in open-pit mining safety production. Ground-based InSAR has become a conventional method for monitoring micro-deformation. Similar to spaceborne InSAR, GB-InSAR calculates phase change along the line of sight (LOS) to inverse the deformation of an observation object and then transforms into deformation in a specific direction according to the projection between the LOS and the observation direction. The GB-InSAR system can be used to monitor the activity characteristics of an open-pit slope in near real-time and provide reliable data for safety production.
We use a continuous observation mode and apply direct integration method to integrate the 25 interferograms formed by processing each SLC image with the subsequent one. The uniform atmospheric time-series correction factor is estimated based on the displacement variations over time for 12 ground control points selected on stable iron ores located away from the blasting areas.
Results show that the observation accuracy is within -0.3 mm to 0.3 mm. Only one remarkable displacement sector is located in the lower part of the quarry rock face with a maximum cumulated displacement of ~4 mm. Time-series displacement analysis of pixels shows a slight sliding of not more than 0.3 mm in LOS after blasting and gradually becomes stable over time.
The ground-based InSAR system has high observation stability. The blasting operation has no significant destructive effect on the entire mining face except for a slight decrease in the ore accumulation layer. The GB-SAR system can observe and recognize the deformation zone in a short time and plays an important role in investigating and evaluating slope stability and artificial landslide. The combined application of spaceborne and ground-based InSAR technologies will be further developed to realize the complementary advantages of both observation types based on the current research. At the same time, we will further develop the multi-baseline InSAR technique under repeated observations and introduce mature spaceborne InSAR processing methods to ground-based InSAR to expand its scope of application and enhance the stability of information extraction.