
2. 清华大学 精密仪器系, 北京 100084
偏振成像技术已经成为有效提升空间遥感信息应用能力的有力工具。通过模拟自然界的昆虫、鸟类及鱼类偏振视觉系统的信息感知与高精度导航机制,探索基于仿生偏振视觉环境信息感知与位置姿态测量中的科学问题。构建基于偏振成像目标特征与导航信息融合的仿生态势感知系统,建立了仿生信息感知与导航解算模型,提出基于生物偏振视觉的仿生信息感知与导航的信息融合与误差分析关键算法,设计实现一种空间环境特征感知及导航信息融合的态势感知系统原理样机,数据更新率高于25 Hz,角度测量重复精度优于0.05°。
The development of novel principle photoelectric detection system is an important part of the construction of space situation awareness system. The imaging polarimetry has become a powerful tool to enhance the information available in a variety of space remote sensing applications. This paper presents a new space situational awareness system by imitating the structure and function of biology in nature. Inspired by the information awareness and navigation mechanism of the insect, birds and fish, we explore the science problem about environments information awareness and location measurement by means of model simulation, prototype construction and experimental verification, which based on the bionic polarization vision system. Bionic situational awareness system which fused the polarization image feature and navigation information is suggested. The information fusion and error analysis model based on bionic information perception and navigation is presented. A situational awareness prototype fused space feature acquisition and navigation is built up, the data update rate is higher than 25 Hz, and the angle measurement repeatability is within 0.05°. Polarization imaging situational awareness system function experimental results show that the bionic polarization detection method can reveal more details about the target feature information and enhance the effect of space target detection effectively, which fused the target light intensity, polarization degree and polarization azimuth information.