
崇明东滩在流域、海域来沙供应下面积不断扩大, 从20世纪60年代起, 其东部岸线向海推进大约10 km, 超过150 km2的新生滩涂被围垦。本研究探讨这种筑堤围垦对崇明东滩演化产生的影响。收集了1965年-2011年间的5景Corona影像、40景Landsat影像和1景SPOT影像, 利用影像水边线和对应潮情水位信息得到不同年份的崇明东滩+2 m线位置, 分析其延伸速率和方向的变化;对比影像及解译信息研究滩面植被、潮沟系统和团结沙的演化特点。结果显示, 泥沙供应充足时海堤建设对潮滩的淤涨具有促进作用, 这种作用在建堤初期表现更为明显;随着长江流域来沙的持续减少, 崇明东滩+2 m线的淤涨速度出现明显下降。海堤建设高程较低时可以改变东滩的淤涨方向, 自然状态下向东、东北偏移的趋势减缓, 近期转为向东南淤涨。海堤外潮流的反射和潮沟系统的发育对植被有较大的破坏, 导致堤外集水盆地的形成和扩张, 并最终退化为大面积光滩, 这种退化过程随着多次筑堤重复出现。团结沙的并岸过程对北港北沙的演化具有参照意义
The Chongming Eastern Beach continues to expand owing to sediment deposition from river basins and the nearby ocean. Since the 1960s, the eastern coastline of the beach has extended about 10 km seaward and more than 150 km2 of the tidal flat has been enclosed by embankments for reclamation. This study investigated the influence of these embankments on the evolution of the tidal flat. CORONA, Landsat and SPOT images covering Chongming Eastern Beach were collected to investigate the changing features of the tidal flat from 1965 to 2011.The results indicate that the extension of the flat accelerated after embankments were established. The rate of extension was greater in the first three years following construction; however, the average rate decreased as less sediment was transported from the river basin to the estuary. The construction of embankments also modified the direction of extension from north and northeast to southeast. The reflected tidal currents caused by embankments and the development of tidal creeks destroyed the vegetation cover outside the banks, leading to diffuse catchments that eventually transitioned to large areas of bare flat. This phenomenon repeated with embankments constructed at different times. The merging of the Tuanjiesha sandbank with Chongming Eastern Beach is meaningful for the study of new arising sandbank in the north channel.