美国NASA于2009年启动的IceBridge“冰桥”科学计划利用航空平台搭载的多源遥感传感器已在极区获取了连续的、高质量的观测资料。本文从多源航空遥感传感器及其采集数据的角度, 对冰桥(IceBridge)科学计划做了详细介绍。其航空平台搭载的遥感传感器大致可以分为数字相机、激光雷达、雷达、重力以及辅助设备5类。本文又从冰雪3维立体制图、冰盖高程变化监测与物质平衡估算、海冰厚度与分布时空变化探测、卫星遥感校正与验证等4个方面对冰桥极地多源航空遥感数据的应用研究做了展望。冰桥科学计划将会大大促进人类对于气候变暖背景下两极所发生变化的理解。
This paper gives a detailed review of IceBridge mission, including the on-board multiple sensors employed, the collected data, and the different levels of products. The on-board multiple sensors can be divided into five types: digital camera, lidar altimeter, radar, gravimeter, and auxiliary equipment. Prospects of research based on IceBridge data are described in four aspects: three-dimensional mapping of snow or ice, changes in glacier elevation and estimates of mass balance, detection of changes in sea ice thickness and distribution, and calibration and validation of satellite remote sensing observations. IceBridge will undoubtedly enhance the understanding of polar changes under global warming.