从航空遥感载荷综合验证场的功能需求出发,于2008 年—2009 年设计并研制了一套用于光学遥感载荷几何性能评价、辐射定标、光谱定标的人工靶标,包括三线阵靶标、扇形靶标、辐射特性靶标、MTF靶标、光谱性能评价靶标5类.该套靶标采用可重复使用、可清洗、可拼接的材料,适用于航空遥感高分辨率、灵活机动的特点.为了检验靶标的光学特性能否满足定标要求,2010 年11 月对辐射特性靶标、MTF靶标和光谱特性评价靶标进行了飞行同步光谱测量和BRF测量.野外实验结果表明,该套靶标的光谱平坦性、朗伯性、对比度均符合定标场的要求,可以用于航空传感器定标实验与相关应用.
To build a comprehensive calibration f ield for airborne sensors, a set of artif icial targets were designed during 2008 and 2009. The targets include resolution bar target, siemens star target, refl ectance target, MTF(modulation transfer function) target, and spectral characteristic target for spatial-resolution evaluation, radiometric and spectral calibration of optical sensors. The targets can be washed, spliced, and reused, corresponding to high resolution and high fl exibility of airborne remote sensing. To test optical characteristics of the targets, in-situ spectral measurement and bidirectional refl ectance factor (BRF) measurement were conducted on refl ectance target, MTF target and spectral characteristic target. The results show that, the targets have good spectral, lambertian and contrast characteristics, which can be used in airborne sensor calibration experiments and related applications. In this paper, the design and optical characteristics test of the targets are introduced in detail, which set an example for the design of aerospace and airborne remote sensing calibration f ield in future.