根据水在红外波段强吸收且吸收能力变化大的特点,在所提出可见光波段水吸收系数测量系统基础上增设了薄层水测量装置,使得测量水层厚度可在0.04—350 mm之间变化。在此基础上对厚度为0.04—150 mm的多个厚度水层进行了吸收系数测量,并对消除杂质影响后的测量数据进行了有效整合,得到900—2500 nm波段纯水吸收系数。由于确保了各波段数据均在仪器最佳探测区间取得,所得结果精度较高,且与被普遍接受的前期研究结果相一致,可作为相关定量遥感的基础数据。
According to the extreme large and mutable characteristics of water absorption coefficient in the infrared spectrum, a device for measuring thin thickness of water layer is developed on the basis of the previously presented system for measuring water absorption coefficient in the optical region, in order to change the thickness of water layer from 0.04 mm to 350 mm.Then water absorption coefficient is measured with water layers of different thicknesses between 0.04 mm to 150 mm. After the effect of impurity was removed, measured data is integrated effectively and the absorption coefficient of pure water in spectrum from 900 nm to 2500 nm is obtained. Because the pure water absorption coefficient of each section in the spectrum is measured accurately under optimum detecting range of the instrument, the result is more reliable and agrees well with previous measurements. It can be used as basic data in quantitative remote sensing applications.