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卢宾宾1, 葛咏2, 秦昆1, 董冠鹏3
1.武汉大学 遥感信息工程学院;2.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所;3.河南大学黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心


Theoretical and Technical Framework of Geographically Weighed Models

According to the second law of geography, spatial heterogeneity or non-stationarity in spatial data and relationships has increasingly drawn more and more attentions in spatial statistics. To explore this fundamental phenomenon, place or location-specific methods and local statistical techniques that assume data relationships to be spatially variant have been extensively developed. In line with the principle of spatial dependence depicted by the first law of geography, the GW regression technique was first proposed to incorporate spatial weights into location-wise regression model calibrations to highlight spatial heterogeneities in data relationships by outputting spatially varying coefficient estimates. With this distance-decaying schema for calculating spatial weights, a series of geographically weighted (GW) models emerge to conduct fine-scaled spatial analysis in terms of descriptive, explanatory, interpretive and predictive scenarios, including GW descriptive statistics, a number of basic GW regression and extensions, GW discriminant analysis, GW principal component analysis, GW machine learning, GW artificial neural network. These GW models form a continually evolving technical framework for identifying spatially non-stationary features or patterns in a variety of disciplines or fields, including geography, social science, biology, public health, and environment science. In this study, we tried to systematically sort out the theoretical and technical framework of GW models. First of all, we summarized the essence and rules for applying the family of GW models, i.e. catering for spatially heterogeneous or non-stationary features and relationships in geographic variables, outputting location-dependent metrics or estimates via calculating spatial weight matrix the distance-decaying principle of spatial dependence presented by Tobler"s First Law of Geography. As common and fundamental parts of the GW models, we introduce the hypothesis tests of spatial heterogeneity or non-stationarity, general definition of distance metrics in geography, calculation of spatial weights and bandwidth optimization. Regarding descriptive, explanatory, interpretive, and predictive scenarios, the potential usages of each individual GW model are also discussed from four analysis levels. We recommend univariate GW descriptive statistics, e.g., GW average, GW quantile, GW standard deviation, and GW Skewness, to facilitate users" grasping the spatially heterogeneous distribution of a geographic variable. For exploratory data analysis with multivariate spatial data, GW correlation coefficient and GW principal component analysis could be preferable. GW regression and its rich extensions, specifically multiscale GW regression, provide powerful tools in interpretive analysis and have been widely applied. With data relationships studied comprehensively, accurate predictions usually appear as an ultimate target in data analytics. The usages of GW regression and geographically and temporally weighted regression are straightforward for predictions, and the prediction accuracy is further improved when the artificial intelligence technologies are incorporated, e.g. GW machine learning, GW artificial neural network and geographically neural network weighted regression. The increasing popularity of GW models has resulted in the development of several software packages, standalone programs and toolkits, including the R package GWmodel and GWmodelS, a new, free, user-friendly and high-performance standalone software that incorporates spatial data management and mapping tools as well as the GW model functions. However, there is still a long way to go before GW models being an all-around quantitative analytical framework for spatial heterogeneity due to drawbacks in theoretical foundation, technical completeness and complementarity, and their evolutions to spatio-temporal dimensions.


