
Asian elephant habitat of Sri Lanka is one of the most important elephants protected area which the population density of Asian elephants is large in Sri Lanka more than tenfold with other regions, but habitat fragmentations and human-elephant conflicts result in a number of elephant populations declined dramatically. This study aimed to estimate the spatio-temporal pattern and differentiation of habitat quality to evaluate the status of Asian elephant habitat conservation in Sri Lanka.In this study, we applied the InVEST-HQ model to calculate habitat quality index with consideration of habitat requirements and the influence factors of Asian elephant in the period of 1995 to 2020. DEM and NDVI were used to analyze the numerical distribution of habitat quality at different elevation gradients and vegetation cover gradients. Meanwhile, Spatial autocorrelation methods were used to quantify the spatial patterns of habitat quality in different protected areas and climate classifications.The results showed that the overall habitat quality of Asian elephant habitat in Sri Lanka was relatively low (the percentage of low level was above 47%) and had a significant linear correlation between habitat quality and elevation and vegetation fraction coverage. Habitat quality was concentrated in low elevation gradient (elevation less than 500m) and high vegetation fraction coverage gradient (greater than 0.5). The spatial pattern of habitat quality was significantly positive autocorrelation which indicated a high spatial agglomeration was distributed over total Asian elephant habitat with high-high and low-low clustering. Different protected areas and climate classifications had a conspicuous variation in the spatial clustering of habitat quality. In the period of 2010 to 2020, the percentage of high-high clustering had a little increasing tendency and the percentage of low-low clustering declined, which could embody habitat quality was tended to stable in Asian elephant habitat of Sri Lanka.Our study suggested that habitat quality evaluation should be considered the influence of spatial interaction to quantitatively analyze the spatial pattern, which could provide a new approach to evaluate and understand the status of specific species conservation based on remote sensing and geographic information technology.