首页 >  2021, Vol. 25, Issue (3) : 725-736


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1.中国科学院空天信息创新研究院 遥感科学国家重点实验室, 北京 100101;2.中国科学院大学 资源与环境学院, 北京 100049;3.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室, 北京 100101


Detection of scattered dead standing trees based on UAV visible images acquired in the Daxinganling Forest

Detection of dead standing trees is of great importance for forest resource management, biodiversity conservation and forest carbon stock assessments. The high-resolution imagery acquired by UAV provides a convenient and economical means to detect dead standing trees. Existing studies mostly rely on multi-spectral images, including red edge or near infrared bands, to detect dead standing trees. However, visible imagery (e.g., RGB images) are easier to acquire by consumer UAVs than multispectral imagery. Limited band information presents great challenges for the automatic and accurate detection of dead standing trees based on visible imagery. Although some studies have attempted to identify individual dead standing trees accurately by visual interpretation, this method is laborious and time-consuming. In addition, the existing studies mostly focus on dead standing trees caused by strong disturbance (e.g., forest insect pests and diseases), whereas investigations on scattered dead standing trees under the natural succession of the forest are rare. Therefore, developing a high-precision automatic detection method for scattered dead standing trees based on UAV visible imagery is necessary. In this paper, an iterative statistical analysis of red-green (RGI index) and blue-green (BGI index) band ratios is developed to detect potential individual dead standing trees automatically based on the existing algorithm of individual tree segmentation; then textural analysis of a Digital Surface Model (DSM) is used to extract forest mask for removing pseudo dead standing trees in forest gaps, and finally realize the high-precision automatic detection of scattered individual dead standing trees. Visible spectral differences between healthy and dead standing tree crowns are utilized as a basis for detecting dead standing trees based on visible imagery. The crowns of healthy standing tree contain relatively high chlorophyll contents, which lead to strong reflectivity in the green band and relatively weak reflectivity in the red and blue bands. By contrast, the crowns of dead standing trees show minimal differences in reflectivity between bands in the visible region. Thus, the RGI and BGI values of dead standing trees are relatively high, whereas the RGI and BGI values of healthy standing trees are relatively low.We developed an iterative statistical analytical method to determine the appropriate threshold of vegetation indices for different illumination environments and stand structures and detect potential individual dead standing trees when the RGI and BGI indices of the tree crowns are higher than the corresponding threshold. We found obvious differences between forest crowns and forest gaps on the DSM and extracted the forest mask through textural analysis to remove pseudo dead standing trees in the forest gaps. Using the detection method proposed in this paper, we completed the detection of scattered individual dead standing trees within 36 kilometer-level sampling areas in Daxinganling forests. Results showed that the recall and precision ratio of the detection of individual dead standing trees are approximately 95%, indicating that the proposed method can accurately detect scattered dead standing trees in the study area. We also found that the performance of individual tree segmentation, especially under-segmentation and mis-segmentation errors, had a great influence on the accuracy of detection of dead standing trees. Thus, improving the accuracy of individual tree segmentation would be key to improve the accuracy of detection of individual dead standing trees further.


