
针对天宫一号高光谱成像仪红外波段数据提出了一个单通道地表温度反演算法,算法的输入参数为大气水汽含量和地表发射率.利用模拟数据和黑河流域生态—水文过程综合遥感观测联合试验的地面实测数据对算法进行了精度评价,结果表明算法的均方根误差为2.72 K,能够满足大多数应用研究的需求.以北京市二环以内为研究区域,采用4个时相的天宫一号高光谱红外波段数据进行了城市热岛效应研究,结果表明天宫一号高光谱红外波段数据适合用来进行街区尺度的城市热岛效应研究,具有很大的应用潜力.
We proposed a single-channel algorithm for land surface temperature retrieval from thermal infrared data of Tiangong-1 hyperspectral imager, the inputs of the algorithm were atmospheric water vapor content and land surface emissivity. The algorithm was evaluated by MODTRAN simulation data and ground measurements from the Heihe Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research (HiWATER). The results indicated that the proposed algorithm achieved a reasonable accuracy, with a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 2.72 K, which can satisfy the needs of most applications. Four Tiangong-1 thermal infrared images of Beijing city were used for analyzing the urban heat island effect, and the results indicate that Tiangong-1 thermal infrared data are suitable for the study of urban heat island effect at district level and have great potential for future applications.