
针对HJ-1B 红外相机(IRS)热红外通道特点, 利用青海湖辐射校正场进行HJ-1B 热红外绝对辐射定标, 提\n出新的场地定标算法, 并通过实测数据和Landsat5-TM数据对不同定标系数进行真实性检验分析, 发现该场地定标\n算法获得的系数比原始系数精度提高约0.6%—3%, 总体精度为1K 左右。研究结果表明文章提出的定标算法适用\n于不具备观测冷空间能力的卫星传感器在轨绝对辐射定标, 得到的定标系数合理可靠。
This paper presentes an in-flight site calibration method for thermal infrared band of HJ-1B, taking advantages of\nLake Qinghai test-site for the absolute radiometric calibration for thermal infrared band of HJ-1B. By using measurement data\nand landsat5-TM to analyze the different results between site calibration and primeval calibration, it shows that the accuracy of\nin-flight site calibration had been increased 0.6%—3% comparing with the primeval calibration result and the total accuracy is\nabout 1K. Thus this new site calibration method is applicable to the in-flight absolute radiometric calibration of these sensors\nwithout the capability of detecting cold space. By the way, the accuracy of calibration for thermal infrared of HJ-1B can meet\nuser’s requirements for the application of quantitative thermal infrared data.