
在分析随机体散射体/地表二层(RVoG)散射模型的基础上, 利用德国宇航局机载SAR系统(ESAR)获取的POLInSAR数据和森林高度地面观测数据, 对多种已有的森林高度反演模型进行了比较评价, 从物理机制上对试验结果进行了分析、解释, 进而发展了一种基于极化相干优化和非体散射去相干补偿的综合反演方法, 实验结果表明, 基于该方法的树高反演效果总体上优于其他方法。
Forest height extraction with polarimetric SAR interferometry (POLInSAR) is a hot research field of imaging SAR remote sensing. Several available forest height inversion methods using POLInSAR data were validated and compared with repeat pass E-SAR datasets and the corresponding ground measured forest stand height through the analysis of the Random Volume over Ground (RVoG) scattering model. After analyzing the experiment results in the view of physical mechanisms, we developed an integrated inversion method combining interferometric coherence optimization and compensation of non-volumetric scattering decorrelation. Validation result shows that the general performance of the developed forest height inversion method is superior to the others.