以黑方台为典型的黄土台塬, 过量农业灌溉造成了区内地下水位上升, 诱发了大量黄土滑坡, 该文选用IKONOS影像对其进行了遥感解译。通过对比PCA变换、Brovey变换、IHS变换和Multiplative变换融合影像效果, 选用PCA变换融合影像作为分析的基础。重点分析了IKONOS影像在黑方台黄土滑坡调查中的应用。在综合分析研究区地质资料和滑坡影像特征的基础上, IKONOS影像在滑坡类型划分、滑坡周界及期次关系确定、空间分布规律和滑坡特征参数统计方面具有很好的应用前景。
The Heifangtai loess Plateau,which has a total area of 13km2,is located in Gansu Province,China.The groundwater table in this loess plateau has been significantly raised and caused many loess landslides. In this paper,IKONOS image was used as the remote sensing date source in detection of the loess landslide.Various methods, including IHS, Brovey,PCA and Multiplative transformation have been used for fusing IKONOS images.Analysis of this paper is on the basis of the PCA transformation fused image.And the image can provide more abundant textural and spectral information for interpretation.Based on com-prehensive analysis of geological conditions and the fused image features of the study area,the fused IKONOS image will be well applied in the classification of loess landslide and mechanism analysis,identification of landslide boundary and phase-relationships,spatial distribution analysis and statistics of landslide characteristic parameters.