通过反演CALIPSO卫星的数据, 分析中国东南部地区气溶胶光学厚度从2006年6月到次年2月间的变化特性。采用激光雷达卫星的观测数据能从更广泛的全球观测范围获得相关的气溶胶信息。介绍了上述地区海洋面与陆地面气溶胶的差别并讨论其产生的原因, 描述了气溶胶光学厚度随高度层次的变化及其在整体区域范围内的分布特点。这些信息为今后深入进行天气预报和气候变化研究以及分析气象气候与气溶胶的相互联系提供了参考数据。
The changing characteristics of aerosol optical depth in South east China is analyzed using data derived from CALIPSO lidar, during the period from June to February in the next year. Spaceborne lidar can help to acquire global-scale data of the aerosol’s optical properties. This paper presents the differences between marine aerosol and continental aerosol and the causes are discussed. Furthermore, the aerosol optical depth change with height and its distribution characteristics in these areas are depicted. This information will provide an exhaustive reference for future research into weather forecasting and climate change, as well as in the analyses of the relationships of weather, climate and aerosol.