Based on SupportVectorMachine(SVM), a technique simulating radiative transfer forwardmodel is presented. Using EuropeanCentre forMedium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) RTTOV_8_7radiative transfer forward model and60L_SD profile database, we simulate the brightness temperature received in AMSU-A instrumen.t Combine this brightness temperature datasets and correspondence profile datasets as training and validation database. After training the SVM network, the simulating technique is validated. The results show that SVM network describes the nonlinear projection relationship between input space and output space very wel,l and the simulated brightness temperatureofchannel5—14isprecise. TheRMS errorofchannel6—14is less than0.1K and themean standard deviation is less than0.01K. In order to find whether SVM simulated brightness temperature is appropriate for temperature retrieva,l muti-regression retrievalmethod isused to retrieve temperatureprofile. Experimentresultshows that the SVM simulate brightness temperature is appropriate for the purpose, and the retrievalprecision is notonly equally butalso a littlemore precise than theRTTOV_8_7simulated brightness temperature.