首页 >  2009, Vol. 13, Issue (1) : 1-23


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中国科学院遥感应用研究所/北京师范大学遥感科学国家重点实验室,北京 100101


Some essential questions in remote sensing science and technology

In this paper, I propose a personal view on the general contents of remote sensing science and technology, which includes sensor research and manufacturing, remotely sensed data acquisition, data processing, information extraction and remote sensing applications. Serving as the basis for all these components is radiative transfer process modeling and inversion. Also of importance is the effective visualization of remotely sensed data and their efficient distribution to end users. In all these areas, there are critical research questions. In particular, I consider 4 fundamental areas for improved application of remote sensing. These include the scale and angular issues in remote sensing, removal of topographic effects on the radiance and geometry of remotely sensed imagery and the related question of multisource and multitemporal data registration, integrating knowledge and remotely sensed data into effective information extraction, and four dimensional data assimilation techniques. Strategies of information extraction can be broadly divided into manual visual analysis and computer-based analysis. The computer based information analysis include radiative transfer model inversion, image classification, regression analysis, three dimensional information extraction, shape analysis and change detection. Successful information extraction is the key to the success of remote sensing. There are many important issues that need to be solved including how to make better use of the spatial and temporal data present in remotely sensed data in information extraction. How to effectively combine the strength of both computer analysis and human interpretation? Finally, 4D data assimilation is the new direction that allows for the integration of instantaneous observation with process-based climate, hydrological and ecological models. Further work along this direction will enhance the contribution of remote sensing in global change studies. In return, the quality of remotely sensed parameters can be improved.


