首页 >  2008, Vol. 12, Issue (2) : 355-361


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中国科学院 遥感应用研究所 遥感科学国家重点实验室 北京 100101


Characteristics and Applications of Knowledge Maps in Geographic Knowledge Visualization:A Case Study of Spatial Planning of Dam Systems in Watersheds

As a new field ofvisualization, knowledge visualization is to usemaps, graphics, or mi ages to constructand\ntransfer insights and knowledge between at least two persons. In view ofgeovisualization, geographic diagram, geo-infor-\nmaticTupu, and visual analytics are cutting edge researches on visual and graphic representation and discovery of geo-\ngraphic knowledge. Thus, this paper focuses on the discussion of geographic knowledge visualization in terms of general\nknowledge visualization and geographic diagram. In the paper, the conceptand characteristics ofknowledgemaps in geo-\ngraphic knowledge visualization aremainly explored according to the dualcoding theory ofrepresentation ofmental mi ages,\nfeatures ofgeospatial thinking, and need for supporting visual exploration ofgeo-knowledge.\nGeo-knowledgemaps are defined as cognitive and abstractmaps related to geo-problems, geographic spatiotemporal\ndistribution, relationship ofgeographic factors, and so on. They should be fit formental mi age representation and cogni-\ntive process, and helpful for human spatialmemory, thinking and mi agination to mi prove capability to handle geo-prob-\nlems. Considering mi ages like digitalphotos and remote sensing mi ages, they allmmi ic the physicalworld in real lifewith-\nout any abstract contents ofhuman thinking and reasoning. Therefore, thispaperdefines thesemmi ic mi ages asgeo-infor-\nmation mi ageswhich have differences from geo-knowledgemaps thatexpresshuman knowledge about the realworld. Geo-\nknowledgemaps have two kinds: weak and strong. Weak geo-knowledgemaps havemore objective, concrete, andmmi ic\ndescription, while strongmaps aremore subjective and abstract.\nGeo-knowledgemaps have two classes: conceptpropositionalmaps and analogue diagrammaticmaps. Conceptpropo-\nsitionalmaps highlightverbalhandling ofgeographic phenomena, while analogue diagrammaticmaps representgeographic\ngraphics and mi ages. W ith regard to analogue diagrammaticmaps, there are further four types: logic and topological smi i-\nlarmaps, spatial structure smi ilarmaps, variable-relationship smi ilarmaps, and process smi ilarmaps. As a case study, a\nfew ofpracticalknowledgemaps for supporting spatial planning ofdam systems inwatersheds are presented.


