
上升流 浙江 AVHRR /SST Chl-a QuikSCAT风场 卫星遥感Sea surface temperature derived from NOAA/AVHRR and chlorophyll-a derived from MODIS and SeaW iFS\naswell asQuikSCATwind vectors data during summer(fromMay toOctober) in 2004 have been used to investigate the short-term variability ofupwelling events in Zhejiang coastalareas·Short-term observations ofsatellite mi agesduring summer of2004 have revealed two upwelling zones in the study area·The upwelling nearZhejiang coastal areas is located at 29°—31°N, 121·5°—123°E, with the upwelling core near30°N, and the upwelling nearYangtzeRiver estuary is located at31°—32°N,122·5°—124°E, with the upwelling core near 31·5°N·These areas are noted for their high fisheries production·Upwelling looks like a long tongue in shape in Zhejiang coastal zones, the sea surface thermal frontexists obviously in its southeastern edge·The temperature difference between the upwelling and non-upwelling areas is about3—4℃for July; the low temperature in the study area is about24—27℃, with amean value of25℃; the size ofupwelling is about10000~16000 km2, with amean value of 13690 km2·The seasonal variability is obvious in 2004, upwelling started to appear in June and achieved powerfully in July andAugust, itassumed theweaken ed tendencyuntilvanished in September·Chlorophyll-a data ofMODIS-derived and SeaW iFS-derived showed thathigh Chl-a areas coincided with low SST areas in terms of location, tmi e and shape·The relationship between upwelling intensity and sea surfacewind field is analyzed by usingAVHRR SST andQuikSCATwind field, the resultshows thatthe variationsofsea surfacewind speed as well aswind direction coincidewith the variationsofupwelling, which indicates the southwestwind alongshore off Zhejiang coast is an mi portant factor for the variations ofupwelling·