
Remotesensing mi age segmentation is the process to divide the mi age into regionswith different features and extract the object through segmentation,whichwill probably be used into the next processing step. Remotesensing mi age segmentatian is an mi portant step from mi age processing to mi age analysis.In recentyears, segmentation of remote sensing mi ages plays themost mi portant role in the interpretation of remote sensing mi ages, but there is no reliable model to guide the remotesensing mi age segmentation. Markov Random Field (MRF) has been extensively applied in segmentation of mi ages as priori probabilitymode,l and in fact, thismethod can be applied to mi prove the resultofsegmentation of mi ages. Influenced by environmentand the sensor, remote sensing mi a-geswith complex texture, large brightness range and vague bridge boundary, can notbe apt to use the standardMRF, and the resultofsegmentation ofremote sensing mi agesusing standardMRF isnotsatisfactory.Therefore in remote sensing mi-age segmentation, the algorithm using classicMRF is often inefficient.Ami ing at ambiguity in the segmentation of remote sensing mi ages, theFuzzy MarkowRandom Field (FMRF) is put forward in this paper. Framework in segmentation algorithm based on FMRF is proposed. Themethod solves problems re-sulting from randomicity and fuzzability and gets the priori probabilitymodel reasonably, smi ultaneously, adds the gray feature and the texture feature into the segmentationmodel in order to getmore accurate result. In the past,the techniques in fuzzy segmentation focused on the gray feature of mi age, so there are obviousdefectswith these techniques inmulti-level classification. Under theMaxmi um aPosterioriPrinciple(MAP)MRF framework, we extractgray and texture features. We developemodels respectivelywith their features. The expermi ents show that it is efficient tomulti-level mi ages.Finally, there are less parameters used in thismethod, however, segmentation needs ability to learn parameters and to realize unsupervised mi age segmentation. We apply the smi ulated annealing (SA) and expectation-maxmi ization (EM) algorithm to estmi ate unknown parameters and get the globaloptmi al solution. The segmentation expermi ents ofSAR mi a-ges demonstrate that the proposed algorithm ismore efficient to distinguish interlaced edges and restrain the speckle noise than the algorithm of the FuzzyC-Mean FCM and standardMRF.We apply algorithms that arementioned in this paper to SAR mi ages segmentation withVC++ 6. 0,and compare indicators of segmentation by different algorithms.