首页 >  2008, Vol. 12, Issue (2) : 199-207


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中国科学院 空间科学与应用研究中心 北京 100080


Design and Development of Microwave Humidity Sounder for FY-3 Meteorological Satellite

FY-3meteorological satellite is the2nd generation ofChina spolar-orbitmeteorological satellite, and theMicro-waveHumidity Sounder (MWHS) is one of itsmain payloads. The basic principle of atmospheric humidity sounding by microwave radiometer and the technical specifications ofMWHS onboard FY-3 satellite are briefly introduced in this paper.The block diagram and operatingmodes ofMWHS are presented. MWHS is a dual-frequency, five-channelmillmi eterwave radiometerwhich is a totalpower typemicrowave radiometerbased on a heterodyne receiver, and performs cross-track scan-ning. The frequencies ofMWHS include both the atmospheric transparentwindows of150GHz and water vapour absorption lines around 183.31GHz. The 150GHz radiometer has two polarizations ofV and H, and the 183. 31GHz radiometer has three channels of183.31±1GHz, 183.31±3GHz and 183.31±7GHz, respectively.The swathwidth of about2700km is mi plemented by cross-track scanning of the antenna beams. Final testing verifies that the performance ofMWHS satisfies technical requirements of specifications.MWHS consists of three units: antenna and receiverunit, electronic unitand power supply unit. Antenna and receiver unit collcets emission from the atmosphere.The received signal is focused to the horn-feed and the firstelementof the high frequency front end, and then down-converted by a double side band mixer to Intermediate Frequency; IF signal is been down-converted toLowFrequency(LF) by a detector, and then integrated. The electronic unitdigitizes theLF signa,l con-trols the scanningmechanism andmeasuresphysical temperature ofthe on-board hottarget forcalibration, and communicates with satellite through a 1553B data bus. The power supplyunitperformsDC/DC conversion, distributies the DC lines to the various sub assemblies and switches between the nominal and the redundantunit.Onemotordrives two separated reflectors for the 150GHz and the 183.31GHz channels,the scanning period is2.667s.Main beams of the antenna scan over the observing swath (±53.35°from nadir) in the cross-track direction at a constant periodicity of1.71s. During each period, two-point calibration are performed to calibrate the receiver gain and noise. The calibration is mi plemented by observing an onboard hot target and the background emission of the cold sky.


