本文以新疆卡拉先格尔成矿带内新发现的哈腊苏铜矿化区为例,进行ETM 矿化蚀变遥感异常信息快速提取研究.分别在ETM 1,ETM 2,ETM 3,ETM 4,ETM 5和ETM 7等6个波段图像和增强图像(比值图像、主成分分析图像)上已知蚀变岩分布区及地质背景进行像元光谱采样,并分析蚀变岩在ETM 的6个波段图像及铁染异常和羟基异常图像上的光谱特征,进而发现蚀变岩与矿区地层区分的光谱知识.利用矿区成矿地质特征和典型矿床成矿模型建立遥感地质找矿模型,发现遥感地质控矿特征.在此基础上建立了基于知识规则的在ETM 图像上提取蚀变遥感异常信息模型,利用ERDAS IMAGING V8.7图像处理系统中的专家分类器模块快速提取该区蚀变遥感异常信息,实现了地质与遥感在图像处理平台上的有机结合.经实际验证,其结果与实际情况基本吻合,并且新发现铜矿化带一处,可为与该区地质背景类似的新疆阿勒泰南缘开展铜矿普查勘探提供参考依据.
哈腊苏 蚀变异常 知识发现 决策树 基于知识 蚀变遥感异常 异常信息 快速提取 应用实践 Application Prospecting Knowledge Based Information Abnormal Remote Sensing Alteration Fast 参考依据 普查勘探 铜矿 新疆阿勒泰 矿化带 情况The new discovered coppermineralized zone inHalasu region, Xinjiang kalaxiangeminera lization belt, was selected as the case study in order to fastextractETM+mineralization alteration remote sensing anomaly.Firstofal,l the paper discussed the geologicalbackground, geophysical and geochemical anomaly characteristics of this area, aggregated metallogenic regularities, then, compared the features of remote sensing data. Though choosing ETM data sources,we achieved geologica,l geophysica,l geochemical data processing and remote sensing mi age enhancement processing.Spectrum characteristics of known alteration distribution area and geologic setting, six(bands band 1—5 and 7) of alteration rock of ETM + mi age and the enhanced mi age( ratio mi age, the principal component analysis mi age),iron-stained anomaly and hydroxylanomalywere analyzed. Spectrum knowledge to differentiate alteration rock frommining region stratawasdiscovered. By introducing the standard errorbased onTM4<120, we known thatthe brightnessvalue of phyllic rock was 75·6