
下行漫射衰减系数 深度 散射 吸收 太湖梅梁湾 漫射衰减系数 特征分析 Taihu Lake Coefficient Attenuation Diffuse Fluctuation Analysis 长波 扰动作用 加强 比例 吸收特性 吸收作用 光强 短波 颗粒物 藻类 中非The downwelling diffuse attenuation coefficient(Kd) indicates the information ofwater quality. It is also key parameter ofbio-opticalmodel and attractingmore and more attentions. Based on the data of light field underwater in Meiliang bay of Taihu lake, the changes ofKdwithwaterdepth is analyzed. The results show that,Kdtakes on significant fluctuationwith the depth above 60cm, which is caused by the surface waves ofwater. But the fluctuation with depth weakens, and approxmi ately levels of,f even showing the characteristic ofasymptotic light fields below 60cm, because the effectof scattering is gradually significant. In the region of0—60cm, there is significant linear correlation between the degree of fluctuation ofdownwelling diffuse attenuation coefficient and the absorption ofwater, namely, the absorption of water strengthens the effectof surfacewave on the light fields in water. TheKdof shortwave takes on evident fluctuation with the depth comparedwith thatof longwave, becauseThe detritus and CDOM inwatersignificantly absorbs the radiation of shortwave, lowers diffuse light, and intensifies the effectof focusing or defocusing of surfacewaves.