首页 >  2007, Vol. 11, Issue (6) : 875-881


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1.北京师范大学资源学院 北京 100875;2.国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心 北京 100089


Two New Red Edge Indices Disease Severity as Indicators for Stripe Rust of Winter Wheat

Winterwheat(Triticum aestivum L.) isone of themost mi portantcrops inChina. Severe epidemic ofyellow rust is the main reason ofwinter wheat yield loss and quality degradation. Hyperspectral remote sensing, acquiring mi ages in narrow and continuous spectral bands, has been recognized as a reliablemethod for crop health monitoring. In researches related to hyperspectral data analysis, the region of the red-near infrared(NIR) transition has been shown to have high information content for vegetation status. This region is generally referred to as the“red edge”. It represents the region of abrupt change in leaf reflectance between 680 and 780nm caused by the combined effects ofstrong chlorophyllabsorption in the redwavelengths and high reflectance in theNIRwavelengthsdue to leaf internal scattering. In this article, the firstderivative ofred edge spectra(Dred) was analyzed forwinterwheatwith different stripe rustdisease severity. Results indicated Dred\nhad characteristic ofmulti-peak; fordiseasedwheat, the frontpeak(700nm) wasmore dominantand the back peak(725—735nm) wasmore flat; red edge position(REP) shifted towards shorterwavelength; bothmaxmi um value ofDred(Dr) and sum of Dred(Sr) decreased. Two new red-edge indices(DSr, Ar) were proposed based on the difference in the shape ofDred between healthy and diseasedwheat. DSr, an index describing thinness ofDred, was defined by the ratio ofDrandSr. When winterwheat is healthy(diseased), Dred is very steep (flat) and henceDSris very large(small).Ar, an index describing asymmetry ofDred, was defined as(S2-\nS1) /(S2+S1),whereS1andS2was the sum of Dred in 680—700 nm and 701—775 nm respectively, which corresponded to the spectral region adjacent to front peak and back peak. When winter wheat is healthy (diseased), the difference betweenS2andS1is very significant(non-significant) and henceAris very large (small). Compared to other conventional red edge indices,DSrandArcan predict stripe rustdisease severity more accurately.


