Exact agricultural crops identification and planting areameasure depend on notonly classifiers but also training samples mi ported into classifiers. The effect of training samples, including sample quality and quantity, is greater than that of classifiers on measure accuracy. In order to probe into the effect of training sample on agriculturalplanting areameasure, a representative wheatsowing sectionwas taken as an example. A standard sample setwas constructed based the popular TM miage, SPOT-5 mi agewith high resolution and field data from GPS. Then training sampleswith same features and differentnumberswere respectively input into six different classifiers to classify miage and identify wheat, which are spectral angle mapper, parallelepiped,mahalanobis distance, minmi um distance, maxmi um likelihood and support vector machine. Moreover, the expermi entationwas repeated ten tmi es under different sample numbers. The results indicate:①Tenmeasure results fluctuate from sixmethodsunderdifferent training sample numbers. The fluctuation is reducingwith the increasing of training sample numbers, which is greater in more fragmentized plot. There are some random errors in the current common used method of wheat planting area measure, which always uses one tmi e\nclassification result as the finalvalue. In the task ofagriculture planting areamensure, samples should be used asmany aspossible in classification to advance the resultstability and the average of lotsofclassification results is advised to counteract the random errors.②Thewheatpixelnumbers(region whole area)differ each other among sixmethods under the same training numbers. And the diversity is larger in area with complex plant structure and fragmentized plots. Different classifier has different response to the same area, while same classifier has different response to different area. But it can be judge and verdict, which result is nearer to the true value, through analyzing the product accuracy and user accuracy ofwheat.