本文介绍一个自动处理MODIS 1B数据并生产覆盖全中国陆面产品的软件系统。该算法改进了LAI(MOD15),土地覆被分类(MOD12),云检测(MOD35),陆面反射率(MOD09)和气溶胶(MOD04)产品。这些算法的输入数据都是本地获取的参数,能够有效降低其带来的不确定性。产生的部分新产品是NASA标准产品中没有的,包括森林火烧迹地和PAR。数据处理系统运行于中国科学院资源与环境数据中心。
This paper presents a software system, MODISoft, which can process MODIS 1B data automatically to generate various products covering the whole China. Some new algorithms were proposed to overcome the shortcomings of NASA MODIS standard products. The strength of the LAI retrieval method is that it avoids using two incompatible methods in NASA LAI product. The algorithm for estimating both land surface reflectance and aerosol optical depth is based on mutli-teinporal observations and produces more accurate products. The cloud mask algorithm detects low clouds better. Some of key inputs for these algorithms are localized over China. This system also produces some new products that are not available in the standard NASA product suite, including the forest burned scar and PAR. The data processing system is operationally run in the National Scientific Data Center for Resources and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences.