
In the course of remote sensing mi age processing, in order tomeet the application needs, now, many algorithms have been provided for the fusion between high-resolution panchromatic mi age and low- resolutionmulti-spectral mi age. This paper infersMallat algorithm and a′Trous(porous algorithm) algorithm theoretically, then provides specific calculation procedure. On the basis of them, multi-resolution analysis grey modulation(MRAGM algorithm) is put forward, at the same tmie, taking the fusion between SPOT mi age and TM miage as an example. At last, three kinds ofmethod are used for mi agefusion between SPOT high- resolution panchromatic mi age andTM low-resolutionmulti-spectral mi age respectively, and the fused mi age has been evaluated from qualitative and quantitative aspect. The conclusion is drawn that the newmethod proposed in this paper is better than otherkinds of fusion algorithm.