An expermi entwas conducted successfully to retrieve the leaf temperature of grass canopy by\napplyingLSF conceptualmodel on data obtained on August 6, 1999 from AVHRR and synchronized ground\nobservationswith the known soil surface temperatures beforehand. The difference between the retrieved leaf\ntemperatures from these two different data sources is less than 0·2k, whichmeans that the grass canopy leaf\ntemperature can be retrieved satisfactorily through LSF conceptualmodel combined with satellite data. Further\nanalysis on the retrieved leaf temperatures under different leaf and soil emissivity conditions reveals that the\nestmi ated accuracy of component emissivity shows little mi pact on the retrieved results, whereas the estmi ated\naccuracy of the precipitable vapor in the whole layer of the air column could affect the retrieved leaf\ntemperatures significantly. The precipitablewater vapour estmi ated based on the sounding data and dew-point\ntemperature can lead to an error up to 1·1k in the retrieved leaf temperatures. When there exists sufficient\nvapour in the air, the variance of leaf temperature is only 1·22k in spite of the quite intensive solar radiation during 11·00—17·00 on fine days. In contrast, the variance of soil surface temperature can be 9. 5k and the\nvariance ofair temperature atthe heightof1·5m is6·0k, therefore the variance of leaftemperature ismuch less\nthan thatof the soil surface temperature and air temperature. The expermi ental results also show that in the\nsoutheastern Tibetan plateau, the land surface temperature can be retrievedwith quite high accuracy byBecker\nand Li’s splitwindow algorithm.