Smi ilaritymeasure is usually used to study the smi ilar degree betweenmultisource data, which is\nthe basis ofpattern recognition on spatialdata. In thispaper two kindsofsmi ilaritymeasures are expermi entally\ninvestigated through some remote sensing mi age retrievals, they are feature vector based measures and\nprobabilisticmeasures, accordingly two groups expermi ents are designed to compare themeasures forapplication\nto remote sensing mi age retrieva.l From the expermi ent results we find that in the first group two measures\nseldom used in the literature perform wel,l they areχ2statistical distance measure and cosine of the angle\nmeasure. And in the second group expermi ents, for computing the smi ilarity degree of two mi ageswith their\nhistograms obeying mixture Gaussian distributions, we present a method on the basis of class separability\nmeasures according to the K-nearest neighbor rule. The expermi ent results show that the method has good\nperformance. We believe that the results described in this paper will be of significance in applications to\nmultisource data analysis.