Remote sensing(RS) data can be used to estmi ate the chlorophyll-a concentration ofwater body,\nwhich has become a key issue ofwater qualitymonitoring. In this paper the field water reflectance spectra have\nbeen applied formonitoring thewaterquality ofTaihu Lake according to reflectance spectra ofwatervaryingwith\nconcentrations oforganic and inorganic sedmi ents. After analyzing the spectra characterwe selected the optmi al\nband range(670—710nm), and retrieved the chlorophyll-a concentration by linear spectralunmixingmodelusing\nknownwater and chlorophyll-a endmember spectra of in situ-water samples. TM and HEPERION mi age was\nprocessed and the distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration was retrieved by linear spectral unmixingmethod.\nThe result shows that a fine linear correlation exists between the abundance of chlorophyll-a from the spectral\nunmixingmodel and the concentration of chlorophyll-a from the analytical result in the laboratory, and also shows\nthat spectralunmxingmodel is a feasiblemodel in the practical application forwater qualitymonitoring.