简要介绍了2L—IHP(Two-Looks Internal Hermitian Product)算法,并针对实际情况对其作了相应的调整和改进。主要是突破算法对数据源的限制,使得它可以应用到幅度图像中。对于极化SAR图像,使用PWF(Polarimetric Whitening Filter)方云将3个通道的图像合成为一幅检测图,再进行目标检测。利用ADTS(Advanced Detection Technology Sensor)数据,对以上各种算法的检测效果进行了分析比较。应用C、L、P波段的AIRSAR极化数据进行试验,发现3个波段中,L和C波段的检测效果最好;4种极化方式中,HH极化取得最佳的检测效果;并且得出全极化数据的检测结果优于单极化数据的结论。但以上结论还有待进一步验证。
2L-IHP algorithm for man-made target detection is discussed briefly first. In order to apply it widely, it is modified to circumvent the constraint of the data. For polarimetric SAR images, PWF is used to generate an image for target detection. According to ADTS dataset, these algorithms are analyzed and evaluated respectively. C-,L- and P-band AIRSAR data are also processed, and we derive some conclusions. Considering the penetrating ability of the microwave, C- and L-band SAR data obtain the best detecting accuracy among the three bands. HH polarization performs better than VV and HV polarization for man-made target detection. Moreover, because more information is contained in polarimetric SAR data, they should get better detecting results theoretically. It is concluded from the experiments that polarimetric SAR data have advantages over single channel SAR data when they are applied for man-made target detection, which is consistent to the theoretical analysis. But all these conclusions need further validation.