地理特征对象是时空数据组织的基本单元,而事件是导致时空数据发生变化的根本原因。在分析、借鉴前人的时空数据管理方法的基础上,通过分析事件驱动的特征对象数据存储与管理机制,提出了一种基于特征和事件双效机制的TG IS时空数据模型。同时结合土地利用的时空数据特点,设计了基于该模型的时空数据的快速索引机制和时空数据库。实际运行表明基于该模型的TG IS系统设计方案能高效、快速、全面地实现时空数据的存储、管理和分析。
The feature is an essential element that comprises spatio-temporal data information and the event is a fundamental factor that result in changing spatio-temporal data.Basing on analyzing several existing Spatio-temporal Data Model,this paper introduces a new Spatio-temporal Data Model based on feature and event double mechanisms.The character of spatio-temporal data changing is analyzed.And how to organize data,build relations between features and storage data in spatio-temporal database are also emphatically discussed.At last,a software package of dynamic land use information system based on above model and methods are introduced.Its running network environment is Windows NT Server 2000 and client is Windows workstation 4.0/2k/xp professional operation systems.Another important technology used in dynamic land use information system is a self-developed Attribute Database Engine(Dblink) combined with Spatial Database Engine(SDE).It is proven efficient in realizing the query and retrospect of the history information during system's operating.