This paperhas a prmi ary look at the daily variation ofcoastalwaterdistribution in relation towintertmi ewind\nforcing in the Taiwan Strait. QuikSCATwind data and AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature(SST) data during the period\nfrom July, 1999 toMay, 2003were used in this study. Monthlymeanwind field andSSTduring thisperiodwere analyzed\nfirst. Itwas shown that this remote sensing dataset revealed smi ilar temporal and spatial features ofwind field andSSTas\npeople reported based onin situinvestigation. DailySSTandwind forcingdata during Jan. 2nd to the8th, 2002were thus\nfurther used to study the short-term temporalpattern ofZhe-MinCoastalWaterand its relationshipwithwind forcing. Two\nsmi plifiedmethodswere attempted to estmi ate the area ofZhe-Min CoastalWater distributed. One usedSST≤17℃and\nthe other usedSSTA≤-1℃as the criteria. Itwas demonstrated thatwind was the key factor controlling the daily\nvariation ofSSTin theTaiwan Strait. The area ofZhe-Min CoastalWaterwas highly correlatedwithwind stress, with its\ncorrelation coefficient(R2) reaching 0·90.