Automatic land use and land cover change (LUCC) detectionvia remote sensing image has awide application inthe\narea of LUCCresearch, nature resource and environmentmonitoring and protection. Underthe conditionthatone time (T1) data\nis existed land use and land covermap, and anothertime (T2) data is remotely sensed imagery, howto detect change automati-\ncally is still an unresolved issue.\nThis paper developed a land use and land cover classknowledge-orientedmethod forautomatic change detectionunderthis\nsituation. Firstly, the land use and land covermap inT1and remote sensing images inT2were registered and superimposed pre-\ncisely. Secondly, the remote sensing knowledge database of all land use and land cover classeswas constructed based onthe un-\nchanged parcels inT1map. Thirdly, guided byT1land use and land covermap, feature statistics for each parcel or pixel in re-\nmote sensing imageswere extracted. Finally, land use and land cover changeswere found and the change class was recognized\nthrough the automatic matching between the knowledge database of remote sensing information of land use and land cover classes\nwith the extracted statistical information inthat parcel or pixel. Experimental results and some practicat applications showthe ef-\nficiency of this method.