首页 >  2005, Vol. 9, Issue (2) : 204-214


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1.中国科学院遥感应用研究所,北京 100101;2.中国科学院研究生院,北京 100101;3.中国科学院兰州寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,兰州 730000,


China Land Cover 2000 Using SPOT VGT S10 Data

The China land cover database with 1 km spatial resolution,a part of GLC2000,has been developed with the\n10-day composite SPOT VGT data over a period of O1 January 2000 to 31 December 2000 and the multi-spectral data of the\nlast decade of August 2000. The multi-spectral image of the last decade of August 2000 was then used since the NDVI\ndatasets are not sensitivie to the area with poor vegetations in northwest China. Land-cover mapping for large area will face\nthe problem that the study area landscape greatly varies with the climate,terrain and soil,and it is a common phenomenon\nthat the different objects have the same spectral information or the same object has different spectral information. In order\nto resolve this problem,the whole territory of China had been stratified into eight relative homogenous bio-climatic strata\nand one specific Tibet region. The stratification was carried out based on the climate condition(above 10°C accumulated\ntemperature and aridity ),and then all data pre-processing,classification,interpreting and labeling processes had been\ncarried out in each stratum,respectively. This would be good for the accuracy of the result and process of the data.\n In order to remove cloud contamination and interpolate the missing data masked by cloud,the Harmonic Analysis of\nTime Series(HANTS) was applied to pre-process the 36 layer of VGT S10 NDVI dataset,and the ancillary metric derived\nfrom temperature,precipitation and DEM has been developed with the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP ) algorithm to im-\nprove the discriminating ability of VGT metrics. With the assistance of Erdas ISODATA algorithm,the classification has\nbeen carried out,and 22 types of land cover had been labeled in the whole China according to the Land Cover Classifica-\ntion System developed by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO)in the framework of the AFRICOVER project.\nThe accuracy assessment was complemented by comparing with the data derived from the product with the statistic data\nfrom Chinese Statistics Bureau.


