中国森林病虫害日趋严重 ,每年都造成巨大损失 ,其主要原因之一就是不能实现森林病虫害的及时准确监测与中长期预测预报 ,以便把灾害控制在萌芽状态 ,虽然目前科学技术和研究水平还不能准确预测森林病虫害的发生发展 ,但可以及时监测早期灾害点 ,尽力把损失降到最低限度。该文主要介绍了利用陆地卫星TM数据开展早期灾害点 (或虫源地 )监测的方法和利用航天遥感数据对“虫源地”实施的有效监测 ,为航天遥感技术用于重大森林病虫害的宏观监测和预警提供了实例
The hazard of forest insects and diseases has been worsening in our country and cause great damage each year. A principal factor is that early and mid-term forecasting of could not be done accurately to controll the hazards at the initial stage.Although it's still far away from predicting accurately the occurrance and development process of forest insects and disease, it's possible to detect the early hazard spots through the techniques of remote sensing so that the damage can be reduced greatly.A methodology to monitor early spots of forest insects and disease with TM data is discussed in this paper, and it has been proved very efficient.Satellite remote sensing has provided a good instance for macroscopic monitoring and warning of severe forest insects and disease in our country.