
现有影像纠正精度以控制点精度评定为基础 ,对于精度探讨采用可视化技术从整体上进行表达。以相似变换作为影像纠正的基本模型 ,推导了纠正后任意点精度与控制点精度的关系 ,并基于此选择采用距离倒数乘方法作为空间插值方法 ,插值影像纠正后任意点不同方向上的以及点位的精度。在此基础上 ,采用精度可视化的概念对影像纠正的质量加以描述 ,通过一个加密前后影像纠正的实例说明其应用的方法 ,并获得了一些有益的结论
The existing method of accuracy determination for image recertification mainly from the accuracy estimation of the control points. However, adding the technology of spatial visualization to the accuracy determination and giving the whole expression for that is the main idea of this paper. So the conformal transformation model for the image rectification is taken as a beginning to deduce the relation between the accuracy of an arbitrary point and the accuracy of control points. And according to such relation, the Inverse Distance Power method is used to give the spatial interpolation for the image rectification accuracy, which also achieved the interpolation value in x or y directions and of the point moving accuracy. Based on above, the visualizations of accuracy is put forward to give the detail description for the quality of image rectification. A case image is also adopted in this paper to give the explanation for spatial visualizations of accuracy, and also some helpful conclusion is obtained for its availability.