
小波变换 极大值 Lipschitz 指数 奇异性In this paper, we propose a new denoising method, which distinguishes the coefficients' extremums belonging either or to image to noise by the tracking matrixes of the extremums in wavelet domain. The coefficients' extremums that belong to image have transmission property from coarse to fine scale, but the coefficients' extremums that belong to noise do not have. We evaluate the tracking marixes of the extremums different number base on the transmission property of each extremums from coarse to fine scale. The tracking matrixes of the extremums express the different transmission property. By the tracking matrixes of the extremums, we differentiate the wavelet coefficients' extremums and then remove the coefficients' extremums belonging to noise. Experimental results show that the denoising proposed in this paper is effective both in reserving the edge and in removing noise.