
The Guanting Reservoir will be the second water resources of Beijing for drinking,but the alluvial prpblem has been puzzling for decades.The paper studied the shoreline dynamic evolution of the Guanting Reservoir from 1988 to 2001 using change detection technique,with multitemporal Landsat TM data(1988,1994,2001).After geocoeercting and radiometric normalization,princioal component analysis and global change detection method was used.Several problems,such as reservoir silting,shoreline types etc.,have been discussed. The remotely sensed temporal and soatial analytic method to shoreline slope and shoreline stability discriminant have been presented,according to the relationship of proportion between the width of change detections and difference of water level on shoreline,With this method,shorelines were chassified to 3 types,alluvial,erosive,as well as bakance shoreline.The affects of the above-mentionef gactors to the water resources in the Resrroir have been analyzed,The shoreline stability discriminant will be applicable potentially on the low-lying beach areas of ocean and lake,andgle between 0.001-0.1°.