
Liquid water conten(t LWC)of precipitating cloud is of vital importance in monitor severe storms and weather modification,also for research and application of climate change and water cycle within the ocean-land-atmosphere system. It is well known that passive microwave techniques have been used in global precipitation remote sensing with preliminary success,but for remote sensing of LWC it is still a challenging task. In this paper,the precipitating cloud models are established by using combined cloud dynamic model and the real observation data and verified with the real observation data obtained during TOGA COARE IOP. Based on these cloud models the numerical simulation study were made with vector radiative transfer model. It is found that the radiance of the channel 6.9GHz ( v or h)is very sensitive to the column liquid water content of the precipitating cloud,the brightness temperature Tb monotonously increase with LWC;The brightness temperature difference of v and h channels of 6.9GHz, ΔTb ( = Tbv - Tbh),is the best for remote sensing of LWC over ocean,ΔTb monotonously decrease with LWC,and the influence of different cloud type toΔTb-LWC is small;On the contrary,the brightness temperatures are very insensitive to the ice water content of upper part of precipitating cloud,it means that ice water content of the precipitating cloud is almost without contribution to the total water conten(t TWC)of precipitating cloud. Simulation results indicate that the channel of 6.9GHz on Satellite-borne radiometer can be used to estimate column liquid water content of precipitating cloud,for operational use we have to do the investigation of the retrieval accuracy in more details,especially to verify by real observation data.