首页 >  2003, Vol. 7, Issue (1) : 19-25


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A High-Speed Real-Time Digital Recorder Based on Personal Computer

With the development of the technology of remote sensing, the demand the high data rate has been steadily growing. It is very important to design,develop and test a stable, high-speed, great-capacity and real-time recorder,because it is a necessary device in remote sensing for the raw data recording and the system testing. This paper introduces a high-speed, great-capacity and real-time recorder which is based on a personal computer the detail of design, the configuration, the development, the testing, and the verification of the Digital Recorder are presented in this paper. It basically consists of one data-acquiring card and several SCSI-adapter cards, which are added in the PCI bus of a personal computer. The data-acquiring card is a data input device. There is a SCSI hard disk on each SCSI adapter. All the SCSI adapters and disks compose a disk array as the storage device of the recorder. It can reduce the disk transfer delay by increasing the amount of SCSI disks, and improve the efficiency of disk array by balancing the load of disks, and extend the SCSI bus transfer speed by increasing the amount of SCSI adapters. The recorded data from the acquiring card is transferred to the computer memory, and then to the SCSI-adapter cards by DMA mode. The SCSI-adapters will write all the data blacks to SCSI disks. There are many buffer cells with a same size in memory to smooth the inadaptability between input data rate and storing data rate. And the buffer cells are dlvided into two parts, conventional memory buffers and extended memory buffers, since the extended memory can't be accessed directly under DOS system. Because of accessing conventional memory may have more efficiency than the extended one, the extended memory will not be used unless the conventional memory has been exhausted. Because of the especial access rules to disks and buffer cells, the position of a data blocks in the disk array may be uncertain. An index to all input data blocks enable the data blocks to be written to any disk randomly,but the data can still be restored in original order according to the indexes of each data block. Data acquiring and disk writing is driven by interrupt, which is the protection of real time. Rational layout of the data acquiring and writing disk enhances the performance. Because of the flexible structure, it has good practicability, and is easy to be developed economically.


