首页 >  2002, Vol. 6, Issue (3) : 223-228


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中国科学院遥感应用研究所,北京 100101


Study on Spatial-Temporal Features of Land Use/Land Cover Change Based on Technologies of RS and GIS

The reseach of land use and land cover change is a core and focus point for studying on the global changes.Also the research of spatial-temporal fertures of land use/land cover change is signidicantly important for better understanding land use/lanf cover change and wnxironmental lanagement for sustainable development.In order to study the spatial-temporal changes of land use/land cover,the technologies of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System were used to analyze the spatial dynamical features and temporal dynamical features of land use,Take land use in Hubei province for example,the mathematical methodology for study on land use change was explored and developed.This research fooused on the dynamical analysis of spatial-temporal features of land use/land cover change of Hubei procince in five years,Firstly,the author made land use dynamic degree map and land use degree change map through defining the lanf ude fynamic degree index and land use degree index.The equation form of land use dynamic degree index is: where S is the dynamic degree of land use(*100);Si is the total area of the i th land use type before monitoringl dSi-j is the total area of land use type i turn to other one of land use tupe from the beginning of monitoring to end;t is the monitoring period; The equation form of land use degree change index is: Where Ia,Ib is the synthetical index of land use degree in time a and time b;Ai is the grade index of land use degree;Cia,Cib is the percentage of area for grade i land use degree in time a and b.If △Ib-a〉0,the land use is continuely developing in this region,or the land use is regressing.Secondly,the culticated land change,foretland change,grassland change and NDVI change were studied in this paper.Thirdly,the mechanism of land use change and its driving forces were discussed and the quantitative approach and track of study on land use/land cover change in China were given in this paper.


