
The area of the plane distributuon of the temperature anomaly field of urban heat island of Guilin city has been determined through the comprebensice processing and analysis of the image information of the heat infrared band,the near infared band and the cisible light band of TM.On this basis,it is discovered that a special effect,karst heat corrosion subsidence on the whole ground of the city caused ty the urban heat island effect on Guilin located in the special karst encironment through combining the data of the limestone corrodion under the soil layer in the test karst hydrogeologic field in Yaji village and the data of the urban air temperature in Guilin observed in the past ten years from 1987tu1996.Study shows that the karst beat corrosion subsidence of the whole urban area is a very slow and concealed interaction process between human and the earth,it is diffieult to detect only in the dependence on the methods of traditional and local observation on the earth's surface,But at least,three types of effeets on the urban encironments can be qualitativel prognosticated from a long-term point of view. The first,the whole foundation of city has to silightly subside with the result of the subsidence of the whole buildings.The subsiding range is less than or equal to the vertical range of the heat corrosion,Because of the small subsiding range,it usually can't destroy and having precise mosaic texture in the horizontal diercion. The third,it will be poddible to cause the karst collaoses or the faults on the ground,if a certain original and stable natural suooprt texture of the bedrock id destroyed by the heat corrosion subsidebce. For evaluating these effects,a dynamic model of karst heat corrosion subsidence and a development and evolution conceptual model of the whole groud of Guilin have been put forward,h.the dynamic depth of the overburden of the underlying Ouaternary System under the urban mat in the process of the heat corrosion subsidence,ν,the vrlocity of the heat corrosion subsidence and t,the necessary time for subsiding to a predetermined depth can be quantitativel calculated by using the dynamic model.And the three deceloping stagrs of the karst heat corrosion subsidence of the whole urban area of Guilin can be audio—cusyally shown by using the development and evolution conceptual model,Thus,it provides a theoretical and technolohical basis for setting up the system of the quantitative analysis and prognostication of the heat corrosion subsidence of the whole urban area of Guilin and revealing the temporal and spayial locus of the heat corrosion subsidence of the whole urban area of Guilin.