首页 >  2001, Vol. 5, Issue (6) : 448-453


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北京大学 遥感与地理信息系统研究所,北京 100871


Study on Regional Sustainable Development Evaluation Information System

It is one of the most important and effective approaches in the researches on sustainable development to integrate social sciences with natural sciences and technology. In this paper, regional sustainable development indicators and spatial information technology applications in regional sustainable development management were discussed, and a Sustainable Development Evaluation Information System (SDEIS) was designed based on Geographical Information System (GIS). The SDEIS, with the integration of techniques such as object_oriented and component software, distributed database, Web GIS, etc., is composed of sustainable development evaluation models and knowledge_ and Internet_based information sharing and service system. The system was developed by mainly using VB and VBA programming languages, in which sustainable development basic database was established based on Microsoft Access, indicators were calculated based on Excel and by using OLE Automation technique, regional resources and environmental situation were introduced through Web GIS, and Microsoft ASP (Active Server Pages) was used to produce homepages. With the capacity of managing large amount of data in attribute database, graphical database and image database and processing data by using models, the SDEIS system can be used to carry out regional sustainable development evaluation and implement information sharing.\;A pilot study was initiated in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, China. The Panzhihua Sustainable Development Indicator System (PSDIS) and the Panzhihua SDEIS (PSDEIS) were established. The PSDIS includes core indicators (social and economic indicators, resources indicators and environmental indicators) and reference indicators, which were used to identify the sustainable development status in the region. The PSDEIS, characterized by open, Internet_based, and integrating the basic database development, indicators calculation and visualization, automatic report and spatial query, is a very useful and convenient tool for regional sustainable development evaluating, planning and decision making and public participating.


