
发展了一个用于卫星大气订正的参数化模式,包括一个新的程辐射亮度模式和一个参数化的朗伯地表一大气辐射耦合引起的亮度增量模式.应用最小二乘法,程辐射亮度被参数化为大气总光学厚度、一次散射反照率、太阳天顶角、视天顶角、方位角、大气不对称因子的函数.应用这一参数化的亮度模式进行大气订正应用的数值模拟,即进行卫星遥感地表光谱反照率的模拟试验.数值检验结果表明对于865 nm,670nm,550nm和412nm 4个MODIS通道,在0°-70°的太阳天顶角、0°-60°视观测角以及0.05-0.8的地表反照率条件下,参数化的向上辐射亮度的标准差小于4%,由该参数化亮度模式引起的地表反照率解的标准差小于0.03.
A simple but accurate model of the upwelling solar radiance is of great significance for the atmospheric correction in the case of satelite remote sensing of surface parameters. In this paper, a parameterized atmospheric correction model is developed for satellite remote sensing applicaticin, which includes two new parameterization models of the path radiance and Iambertian surface-atmospheric coupled radiation. By using least square technology, the parameterized path radiance is expressed in terms of atmospheric optical depth, single scattering albedo, solar zenith angle, viewing zenith angle, azimuth angle, atmospheric asymmetry factor. Furthermore, the model is used in retrieving surface reflectance from simulated satellite data. As shown in numerical simulations, for four Mf1DIS channels of 865nm, 670nm, 550nm and 412nm,the solar zenith angle from 0°to 70°,the viewing zenith angle of 0° to 66°, and the surface reflectance of 0.05 to 0.8, standard errors of the parameterized upwelling radiance and the reflectance solutions are less than 4% and 0.03,respectively.