
Requirements analysis is an important step in an information system development cycle. It can be viewed as a process with a life-cycle of its own. The requirements analysis may includes four more basic step:domain-problem analysis, problem description,prototyping and testing,validation. It is also an iterative and evolutionary process,and a concurrent activity. Therefore,the requirements analysis model should represent the iterative,evolutionary and concurrent characteristics of requirements process activities. However,most of models resently developed only represent one or two characters of requirements process activities. The waterfront model for requirements analysis which was put forward by Theofanos can represent all characters of requirements process activities. In this paper the authors improve this model according to the characters of GIS requirements analysis activities in following aspects:① In order to develop ulteriorly the automatous tool of GIS requirements analysis in term of the model,the requirements analysis was partitioned into five basic activities:problem analysis,structural requirements description,formal requriements definition,prototyping and testing, validation. ② In order to make the model more operational,analysis methods for every activities of requirements analysis is put forward. ③ The difference of requirments analysis for project GIS,department GIS,enterprise GIS and social GIS is presented and also incorporated into the model. The methods for GIS structural requirements analysis are also discussed. This will have a guideline significance for GIS requirements analysis.