
该文提出了一种由Radon变换与形态学图像处理技术检测船行尾迹的算法SWDRM(Ship Wake Detection Algorithm based on Radon transformation and Morphologic image processing technology),算法特点是:在Radon空间进行处理后,得到逆变图像,通过图像后处理,可得到二值图像,以用于尾迹自动检测,对海洋卫星合成孔径雷达(SEASAT SAR)图像及模拟乘性斑点噪声中舰船尾迹进行了检测,结果表明,SWDRM具有很好的鲁棒性,能够适应不同水平的噪声环境,同时对阈值系数和工作窗口宽度的选择范围都比较大,在一定的噪声水平范围,给定阈值系数后,得到近似于恒虚敬率的检测结果,结合图像后处理,可得到二值图像用于自动尾迹检测。
An algorithm for ship wake detection, based on Radon transformation and mathematical morphologic image processing (called as SWDRM) is developed. The important information from observation are kept in the inverted gray level image after being manipulated in Radon space. Ship detection can be achieved from a binary image. It is applied to automatic detection for ship moving from the SEASAT SAR images. The effect due to high level multiplied speckle noise is also discussed. The results show that this algorithm is well robust in noise presence, and is not very sensitive to the threshold parameters and the width of working window.