
作为在Internet上处理大空量空间地理信息的基于客户端的Internet地理信息系统(client-side Internet GIS),解决矢量型空间数据传送的低效率性是很重要的,该文为此提出一个新的有效方法,首先,将大型矢量地图根据适当的“分裂度”分割成若干部分,每一部分称作一个“炔”(Tile),当用户在客户端请求地图的某一区域时,GIS服务器中传递和请求区域相关叠的“块”内的空间数据,并且将该数据存在用户的本地机上,以便使用。为此,该文提出一个“地图块分割”方法,地图块查询处理”算法以及“客户服务器间空间数据的效率化传送”策略,和既存传送方法比较,利用该方法构造的Internet GIS,系统的整体效率得到了提高。
It is important to solve the low performance of spatial vector data transmission in the client-side Intermet GIS (Geographic Information System)which handles large-size spatial geographic information on the Internet. This paper has proposed a new efficient method for it. The basic idea is that,firstly,a large-size vector map is divided into several parts,where each part is called a‘Tile’,according to an appropriate division granularity. Secondly,when an user requires a certain region in the map at client side,the GIS server only transmits spatial data in the tiles which overlap with the requested region. And the received data are stored in client local machine for reuse. For the support of this idea,a method of tile-division,an algorithm for tile-query processing and a strategy for efficient spatial data transmission between server side and client side have been provided. Comparing with the traditional methods of client-side Internet GIS,the performance improvement is achieved by the usage of the proposed method.