主要论述了在遥感和地理信息系统技术支持下的自然资源宏观调查中数据汇总各主要方面的技术问题。对于以卫星影像为主要信息源进行的资源调查工作, 文中分析了结果数据中的误差来源并详细说明了其面积平差技术及面积校正方案的抽样原理和方法。
The paper describes the techniques of error minimiz at ion. In the paper, the error is divided into three types: theoretical error such as errors created in the projection from the earth's surface to a plane coordin ate system and in digitizing maps, errors in the procedure of creating thematic d ata from TM images and errors due to the spatial resolution of TM images. Three different methods are adopted in respect to the three types of error mentioned above. To minimize error created due to the TM image's spatial resolution, a ser ies of sampling methods are applied and discussed in detail in the paper. Accord ing to the analysis on the effects of the error minimization methods, especially the sampling methods, there is about 30% cut off from the gross area of farmlan d, and the net area of each land use type is much more close to the actual data.