空间决策支持系统 (SpatialDecisionSupportSystemSDSS)作为在地理信息系统 (GIS)和决策支持系统(DSS)基础上发展起来的一个新兴科学技术领域, 自本世纪 80年代中后期以来, 在国内外已引起越来越广泛的关注与重视。通过大量文献的分析表明:对这种系统目前尚有许多不同的理解和认识。作者认为只有那些能够帮助决策者生成、比较和选择空间决策方案的信息系统才能纳入SDSS的范畴。这种系统就其功能特点不同而言, 可以分成 3个密切相关的技术层次或类型, 即SDSS开发平台、专用工具和应用系统。主要讨论与空间决策支持系统开发平台有关的问题, 包括SDSS的分类体系及其开发平台的地位、技术构成与运作模式以及在这种平台支持下的实例应用系统, 即中国农业投资空间决策支持系统的生成过程等内容。
Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) is a new field developed on the basis of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Decision Support System (DSS). Since the late 1980's, more and more attention has been paid to the technology of SDSS in China as well as in the world. Through analyzing a large number of literature on the study of SDSS, it can be seen that presently people have many different understandings of SDSS. From authors' point of view, only those systems which can provide decision makers spatial decision making schemes are deemed as SDSS and divided into three levels: general platform, domain tools and application systems. This paper will discuss the basic concepts and classification system of SDSS, architecture and operational modes of SDSS Platform (SDSSP), and generation process of a SDSS application system, such as Spatial Decision support System for Agricultural Investment Planning in China (SDSS/AIPC), supported by SDSSP.